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Beyond 7 minutes

I trained as a Family Doctor so that I would be ready to help patients with any challenge. The old school family doc used to take that skill set out into the community on house calls, sports sidelines, and town hall meetings. At some point the job description was boiled down into a job that started and ended with a 7 minute office visit. That setup is not good for patients, and it's not good for doctors. In this column I hope to start to push the boundary of where the doctor patient interaction takes place - onto the page, into the community, and beyond 7 minutes.

Stressful medical care and the nocebo effect

Plenty of people have heard of the placebo effect. How many have heard of the nocebo effect? The dictionary defines nocebo as a detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment or prognosis. Translated to layman’s terms this means someone becomes sick or feels unwell due to a perception that they are going to have a bad experience.

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Oren Gersten, MD
Building a Health Care System to be Proud of

Medicare for all has become a household phrase. Depending on which side of the aisle one’s political persuasions fall, hearing it will likely draw praise or scorn. Like so many things in American politics, health care has become a wedge issue meaning it’s more likely to divide than unite. Whether Medicare for All becomes the law, there are topics in health care that are just as important that often get overlooked.

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Oren Gersten, MD