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Beyond 7 minutes

I trained as a Family Doctor so that I would be ready to help patients with any challenge. The old school family doc used to take that skill set out into the community on house calls, sports sidelines, and town hall meetings. At some point the job description was boiled down into a job that started and ended with a 7 minute office visit. That setup is not good for patients, and it's not good for doctors. In this column I hope to start to push the boundary of where the doctor patient interaction takes place - onto the page, into the community, and beyond 7 minutes.

3 years of direct primary care

Its hard to believe that 3 years ago Portland Direct Primary Care was a vacant office and dream. he success of PDPC has shown that excellent physician led primary care is attainable with or without insurance, that having a direct line of communication with your doctor is worthwhile, and that independent primary care practices can still thrive in a modern health care marketplace.

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Oren Gersten, MD
Bicycles and Health

If you’ve ever ridden a bike you know there is nothing quite like the feeling of rolling down a street or trail in the open air. Its a level of freedom and connection that doesn't happen in a car. In addition to enjoyment there are some interesting and unexpected ways which bikes can help benefit personal and community health.

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Oren Gersten, MD